About us

Welcome to Nerdscents.com, the ultimate destination for anyone looking to solve problems related to bad smells and perfume. Founded in 2022 by Jason Lewis, a perfume enthusiast, professional cleaner, and blogger, Nerdscents.com is the result of his passion for fragrances and his commitment to helping people create a pleasant and fresh-smelling environment.

At Nerdscents.com, we understand the frustration of living in a space that smells bad. Bad smells can be overwhelming and unpleasant, whether it’s a lingering odor from cooking or pet smells, a musty smell from a damp basement, or a stale odor in your car. That’s why we’re here to help.

Our team of experts at Nerdscents.com has years of experience in the perfume and cleaning industry, and we have the knowledge and expertise to help you solve even the toughest smell problems. We offer a wide range of products and services designed to help you eliminate bad smells and create a fresh, clean environment that you can enjoy.

Our Team

Jason Lewis (Founder)

Jason Lewis founded Nerdscents.com, a website that solves problems related to bad smells and perfume. Jason is a perfume enthusiast, professional cleaner, and blogger, passionate about fragrances and committed to helping people create a pleasant and fresh-smelling environment.

With years of experience in the perfume and cleaning industry, Jason has the knowledge and expertise to help customers solve even the toughest smell problems.

Carol Robertson (Content Writer)

Carol Robertson is a talented content writer who contributes her expertise to Nerdscents.com. With a passion for writing and a keen eye for detail, Carol creates engaging and informative content that helps customers solve their smell problems and learn more about perfumes and fragrances.

Kathleen Watts (Content Writer)

Kathleen Watts is a dedicated content writer for Nerdscents.com, who shares her passion for perfumes and fragrances through her writing. Kathleen’s extensive knowledge of the perfume industry and her expertise in writing engaging content make her a valuable member of the Nerdscents.com team.

Work with us

If you want to work with us, please email us at info@nerdscents.com. We’d love to hear from you!


237 Bobcat Drive Washington, MD 20200 Call: 240-787-1602